Thursday, 20 May 2010

Standard Horizon STD-HX370S

"They're about 2 years old now and have taken a good hard licking through all four seasons, in every kind of precipitation imaginable, at least several hours of operation a day, being dropped at least once per use, and have held up great. The only problem I can tell is that the belt clip broke off on one after being dropped for the umpteenth time, and thats not very significant at all. We use the optional remote mics exclusively and they tend to send groggy transmissions when wet, but easily solved by a sandwich baggy and a rubber band. Have had to replace a few of those, again for their having been dropped one too many times, but thats another review. The button layout is pretty straight forward, any deckhand could decipher how to use it without problems. Button locking feature comes in handy, find that you will always inadvertently change something without it when slipping it into you back pocket. We don't really use any of the more indepth features, so I can't really comment on those, but from experience it is a workhorse in all kinds of weather even in drenching rain, pretty much akin to being submerged."

"This radio was recommended by a co-worker who is into amateur radio and works around ships. I bought one for use on the water as well, and like the fact that it can take 40 user programmable channels. Note that programming requires a cable and software from Vertex/Standard Horizon. This is readily available and can be done by anyone with computer and radio skills. I like that it is a nice and heavy unit, with great battery life and large display. Unit will use most accessories from the VX-170 2 meter handheld. This includes the programming cable (also used on the VX-7R), microphones and battery packs. The antenna on this radio is short and does not get in the way. Great to have on small pleasure craft or for commercial use. Puts out enough power to be heard and has great audio. It would have got a fifth star from me if it didn't require software and a computer to program. I prefer full DTMF keypads and programming capability. Can't fault the easy to use layout though."

"small, lightweight, (for what it packs) this is the top of the line in marine talkies, crystal clear, and ruggard, it charges quickly and looks to be practially indestructible. a great buy!"

Standard Horizon STD-HX370S

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