Wednesday, 24 December 2008

CNC Wood Routing Projects and Machine Uses


 CNC wood router is something that every shop needs to work on a variety of wood products. The point of this router is that it uses a computer numeric control to cut the wood. This means that all you have to do is set it up and let it do the job. Usually these projects are easy to do if you understand the software.

Most CNC Routing use a CAM program so that you can use it with different grains of woods and you can use many different types of woods. If you decide to buy one you will see that many manufacturers carry them and they have many different designs.

Generally, these types of machines can be used to do small or large projects depending on the size of the machine. The CNC Wood Router has the exact cutting methods you are looking for and can cut just about any angle your heart desires.

Some of the uses that people have used a CNC wood router for include making furniture with intricate patterns and designs, curve and smooth corners on wood, make different designs in wood, or for cutting dados. The tool is very versatile and flexible.

It is easy to think of a CNC Wood Router as a tool that is only used for cutting and shaping but you can do so many things with it. In fact, you are only limited by your imagination as to what it does. When you gain skill at using the tool, you will find that it does many things and it saves you time and money.

There are a variety of projects that you can do with the CNC Routing . Here are a few ideas:

Making furniture -- many people decide to use a CNC Router to make a variety of furniture from tables to benches and chairs. They like to do elaborate patterns and designs into the wood and the router helps them do this easily. Many enjoy working with oak or wood for their materials.

Doll furniture - yes some children still play with doll houses and sometimes routers can be used to make doll houses depending on the bits that you use. This is an easy way to do something for your children and use your wood router too.

Toys -- there are a variety of toy projects you can do with a CNC Wood router. Sometimes people don't think about this part, but you can make board game pieces and even a full chess set if you would like. These projects are only limited by your imagination.

Radiator Covers -- some people specialize in intricately cut wood pieces. Some people do a variety of radiator covers for homes that still have radiators. They do them in old fashioned designs like Old English, Vienna and others.

Wine Racks -- if you are someone who has a wine cellar or just has a few bottles you want to sit somewhere try your hand at a wine rack. These are somewhat simple to create and your CNC Router can help you get it done quickly.

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